Thursday 25 February 2010


for our new project we are creating a manifesto for our creatures, a set of beliefs and ideas which they all believe in ...
As we are the udders and all female we've gone for a very femenist slant, i think our plan is to create a kind of udder revolution.. which basicly calls for the love adoration and celebration of all things breast related.. as these are our symbol of woman kind...

ive been reading the 'history of breasts' a bloody brilliant book i highly recomend even if one has not a set of breasts themselves..

ive been researching all female communes.. such as the wilds where they tried to get rid of patriarchy and shared the daily tasks of washing cleaning cooking amongst each other in the 80's. They were wicked and from all my research it seems that the children born within them have an overall positive feeling towards it which is more than can be said of most communes.

also looking at famous breasts... marilyn monroe etc

annnd no looking at a feminist society would be complete without looking at simone de beavoir

Monday 22 February 2010

Dorothy parker

Unfortunate Coincidence

by the time you swear your his
shivering and sighing
and he vows his passion is
infinate, undying
lady make a note of this
one of you is lying.

niki saint phalle

i have been reading and thinking alot about women in the art world. women artists.

I love this image from niki saint phalle so much, its beatiful like tattos on a woman.. i would love to create a self portrait like this... self portraits are so difficult to tackle.

Monday 1 February 2010

David Ichioka

for our author project we have been looking at our five fundemental needs to survive... my main needs are warmth, sleep, comfort colour and nature.
i came aross this artists in my research.